Flandre Scarlet


Vibrant Sister of the Devil

The usual outfit of Flandre from the world delirious with eternal spring. Her Laevateinn is a recorder!

Vibrant Sister of the Devil
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Back at School
VA: Kokubun Yukari
Carefree Attendance
VA: Shitaya Noriko
Grade Destroyer
VA: Tomizawa Eri

Character Information

Temperament: Auroral Breakup

Auroral Breakup (a Touhou LW original) refers to the phenomenon where auroras explode in brightness and spread out across the sky. This is an apt temperament for this Flandre, who repeatedly fluctuates between attending school and hiding away in her room. She can leave her room whenever she wants, so there's no point locking the door. (Strong against Star Essence.) Flan loves fruit so much that she wishes every tree was a fruit tree. (Strong against Water Phase and Metal Phase.) But she gets dizzy when she goes outside during the day... (Weak against Sun Essence.) To Flandre, it's completely normal that every day is her first day back at school. When she wakes up in the morning, she's always excited to leave the room she's been cooped inside of for so long and see what new challenges await her at school. Seeing Flandre act so strangely, her sister probably regretted letting her go outside, but in truth, there was no real way to stop her. Flandre has fully embraced spring as the season of new beginnings.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of destroying absolutely anything (Cherry Blossom)

The ability of Flandre Scarlet from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). This ability is essentially the same as the abilities of Flandres from other worlds. Similar to the events of our world, this Flandre decided to leave her room after the Spring Scarlet Mist Incident. She wanted to go outside as soon as the incident was resolved, but it took some time for her to get ready. (She's a noble lady, after all.) However, it seems she's caught in a loop where she breaks out of her room whenever spring repeats in this world... It's actually kind of scary. It doesn't seem like she's jumped backward or forward in time to do this, though. Flandre's world is a variant of the beach world of eternal summer. The large volume of water that covered most of the summer world's surface doesn't appear to exist in this world, but that is merely an illusion. With spring temperament in ascendance, countless trees and plants grew, and all the excess water is now stored inside them. The land is covered in beautiful spring plants with massive cherry blossoms in full bloom, standing tall above them all. These changes have also caused spring to never end. Or rather, spring does end, but a new spring starts immediately after. The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter have been replaced with spring, spring, spring, and spring. The Fairy Herald of Spring couldn't be happier! Flan was also in a good mood as she walked to school. She was thinking about how she now has the chance to do all the things Remilia does and how she might even make 100 friends. Her heart was full of joy, excitement, and hope for a bright and cozy future. This wouldn't be all that unusual, except that she does this every day... Spring keeps repeating. There are constant graduation ceremonies and ceremonies for new students, and the cherry blossoms bloom and wilt in an unending cycle. Does this mean Flan repeatedly breaks down the door of her room every morning to escape outside...? Remilia decided not to confront Flandre about this because she knew if her foolish little sister changed her routine, she would keep trying to make friends until she utterly destroyed this spring paradise. But one mystery remains. How did Flan and Koishi become friends?


Soprano Laevateinn

The Spread Shot of Flandre Scarlet from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). She plays her recorder to let everyone know that spring has sprung. She gets to do this every day because in her world, it's always spring. Surprisingly, her recorder actually sounds pretty good. It's like the trilling of songbirds. She must've practiced a lot in her room.

  • Soprano Laevateinn
  • Magical Recorder
  • Whistling Laevateinn
  • Mystical Recorder
  • Tooting Laevateinn
  • Spring-Colored Recorder
Homework Destruction

The Focus Shot of Flandre Scarlet from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). She empties her schoolbag in this attack.... and she also shoots some lasers. In Japan, most elementary school children use these types of schoolbags, called randoseru, and this is what happens when you bow with an open randoseru on your back. It's a lot of fun.

  • Homework Destruction
  • Worksheet Destruction
  • Printout Destruction
  • Task Destruction
  • Exercise Book Destruction
  • Practice Test Destruction
Taboo: Candied Cherry Trap

A Spell Card of Flandre Scarlet from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). She scatters candied cherries that look like rubies in this attack. This Spell Card would probably have been named "Taboo: Cranberry Trap" in a less eccentric world. Cherries are this Flan's favorite fruit! She especially likes candied cherries because they're so pretty and shiny. Apparently, they're made by soaking cherries in a sugary syrup for a long time. The green ones are colored after they've become glossy in the syrup, and then mint is added to give them extra flavor. They're like tiny calorie bombs.

  • Candied Cherry Trap
  • Sweet Candied Cherry
  • Red Candied Cherry
  • Bright Red Candied Cherry
  • Green Candied Cherry
  • Bright Green Candied Cherry
Taboo: Forbidden Dried Cherries

A Spell Card of Flandre Scarlet from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). She scatters sweet dried cherries in this attack. This Spell Card would probably have been named "Taboo: Forbidden Fruit" in a less eccentric world. Cherries are sweet just on their own, but drying them condenses and intensifies their sweetness even more. It also helps preserve them, so you can always have cherries when the need arises. There's just something about sweet fruit and sweet music that makes you think of spring.

  • Forbidden Dried Cherries
  • Sweet Dried Cherries
  • Sour Dried Cherries
  • Tart Dried Cherries
  • Yellow Dried Cherries
  • Black Dried Cherries
Cherry Candy Nihility

The Last Word of Flandre Scarlet from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). She dishes out her destructive philosophy with a helping of spring, fruits, and cuteness. Flan is really smart, so she didn't need to go to school. And even if she did, she probably wouldn't get on very well with the other kids. That's why she's only ever received homeschooling in the 495 years since she was born. She was content with this... until she heard Remilia was trying to make friends outside the mansion! "No fair! How come Remilia gets to have all the fun?! If Remilia can make friends, then I should be able to make friends, too!" What happened next is basically the same as what happened after the Scarlet Mist Incident in other universes. Flan isn't the best at making friends, but she tries her hardest, and everyone at the mansion supports her. It seems she gets the impulse to destroy when she sees a potential new friend. Note: Flan stepping on the big cherry is an illusion. Flan happily ate all the real cherries with her clones.

  • Cherry Nihility Bomb
  • Cherry Melancholy Bomb
  • Cherry Passion Bomb
  • Cherry Happy Bomb
  • Cherry Joy Bomb
  • Cherry Spring Bomb


Skill: Recordateinn

Flan loves her pink spring-themed recorder. Contrary to popular belief, the recorder is actually quite a sophisticated instrument that is difficult to master.

Skill: Math Set

She's got magnetic blocks and this thing that looks like a clock. They're lots of fun to play with.

Skill: Gym Kit Bag

She has to remember to put it out for laundry, or Sakuya will get mad.

Passive: Writing Board Shield
Passive: Set Square Barrier
Passive: Barley Tea From Home